miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010



¡Muchos de los problemas de salud que se creía que ya estaban bajo control están regresando!  Es alarmante ver como infecciones y enfermedades serias relacionadas con pulmones que antes se creía ya estaban erradicadas están afectando otra vez a gran parte de la población; por lo tanto están fuera de control y el tratamiento que antes se usaba ya no es efectivo contra éstas enfermedades.
Por lo menos hay 30 nuevas enfermedades causadas por virus que han mutado en “súper virus”.  La mayoría de estos nuevos problemas de la salud pueden convertirse en epidemias con una tasa de morbi-mortalidad muy alta a nivel mundial.
En los últimos años ha aumentado el flujo de personas a nivel internacional y como resultado se están propagando más rápido y más fácil patógenos mortales resistentes a antibióticos comunes y por lo tanto se desarrollan más fáciles las epidemias.

Los profesionales de la salud están alarmados por el aumento significativo de enfermedades auto inmunes; sobretodo de las que atacan las articulaciones, piel y órganos internos.
El sistema inmune bajo puede estar contribuyendo en la pandemia mundial de infecciones del pulmón que ha estado matando de 180 a 360 millones de personas.  Esto es 7 veces más personas de las que el SIDA ha matado en los últimos 20 años.

Un estimado de 62 millones de americanos, siendo la mayoría adultos, sufren de una enfermedad crónica del tracto gastrointestinal que como consecuencia hacen que el sistema inmune disminuya.  Un total de 229 millones de americanos han faltado al trabajo en un año a causa de problemas gastrointestinales, generando una pérdida al año de $14.5 billones.
Remedio para aumentar el sistema inmunológico #1: Consumir diariamente brócoli, coliflor, nabo y rábano para reforzar el sistema inmunológico. 

Remedio para aumentar el sistema inmunológico #2: Tomar diariamente una cucharada de miel de abejas
Remedio para aumentar el sistema inmunológico #3:  Tomar un te de ginseng el cual es conocido no sólo prevenir las enfermedades, sino también para el tratamiento de las enfermedades relacionadas con la inmunidad.
Remedio para aumentar el sistema inmunológico #4: Elaborar una infusión de té verde el cual estimula la producción de células inmunitarias.

Remedio para aumentar el sistema inmunológico #5: Extraer el juego de una zanahoria de tamaño regular y dos naranjas y mezclarlo.  Tomar dicho  su diariamente en el desayuno para estimular el sistema inmunológico.
Remedio para aumentar el sistema inmunológico #6: Preparar un té de 20 gr de yerba mate en 1 1/2 tazas de agua.  Calentar el agua y agregar la hierba; no dejar hervir.  Luego, dejar reposar por 5 minutos y tomar 1 taza al día.
Remedio para aumentar el sistema inmunológico #7:  Elaborar un jugo con cinco guayabas, dos naranjas, tres limones, una toronja, cebolla chica y media taza de agua.  Para ello, se debe hervir la cebolla en el agua por 10 minutos.  Cortar en cuarto la guayaba y luego cortar y exprima el jugo de los limones, naranjas y toronjas  Retirar la cebolla del agua .  Mezclar esa con el jugo y bebelo al momento.Se recomienda tomar este jugo temprano en la mañana.
Remedio para aumentar el sistema inmunológico #8: Preparar un jugo con dos rábanos, un limón, dos naranjas y 1/4 taza de agua. Cortar en cuatro los rábanos, licuar con el agua y luego obtener el jugo del limón y las naranjas por separado.  Luego mezclar los ingredientes y beber al momento.


Cada año aproximadamente 500,000 americanos mueren a consecuencia de crecimientos celulares anormales (tumores).  Si nosotros tomamos todos los días tratamientos para regenerar nuestra flora intestinal ayudamos a que no sucedan estos crecimientos gracias a:

- Promueven el efecto anti-viral de nuestro sistema inmune
- Hay una mayor actividad por parte de las células encargadas de matar a las causantes de enfermedades.
- Se incrementa la producción de inmunoglobulinas
- Hay producción de óxido nítrico
- Modulación celular a través de la respuesta inmune
- Activación del sistema reticuloendotelial
- Promueve una balanceada producción de citoquinas
- Promueva la resistencia del organismo ante algunos de los procesos autoinmunes
- Disminuye la respuesta de IgE
- Aumenta la respuesta del sistema inmune cuando se administran vacunas
- Mediador de radiación el las células blancas
- Inactiva y elimina carcinógenos.
- Disminuye la actividad de las nitrosamidas, que son las responsables del cáncer de colon.
- Disminuye los compuestos mutagénicos.

¿Cómo puede la flora intestinal restaurar el sistema inmune y devolvernos la salud?

Más del 70% de las células productoras del sistema inmune se encuentran en el intestino delgado.  El secreto para recuperar la fuerza natural del sistema inmune es tomar probióticos de por vida para tener una flora intestinal sana.

Al tener una flora intestinal sana, no solo vamos a mejorar nuestra digestión, también se mejora el funcionamiento de nuestro sistema inmune, aumenta el número de glóbulos blancos, estimula los procesos que implican la destrucción de bacterias y virus patógenos, eleva los antígenos como el interferón gama para tener anticuerpos.

¿Cómo nos beneficia el tener una buena flora intestinal?

1. Ayuda a eliminar virus y bacterias
2. Reduce la inflamación
3. Promueven una buena digestión, absorción y eliminación
4. Previene diarreas y estreñimiento
5. Protege la mucosa del esófago y de  los intestinos
6. Ayuda a que tengamos un buen sistema inmune
7. Incrementa la resistencia del cuerpo a infecciones
8. Ayuda a producir vitaminas
9. Potencializa el efecto de remedios herbales
10. Ayuda a mantener niveles sanos de colesterol en sangre
11. Promueve una función sana del colon
12. Promueve una piel saludable
13. Ayuda a que tengamos una mejor tolerancia a la lactosa
14. Promueve un buen funcionamiento de vesícula y estómago

¿Qué destruye nuestra flora?

- El uso de antibióticos
- Medicamentos esteroides como los bronquiodilatadores que usan las personas con asma
- El agua clorada
- Pastillas anticonceptivas y otras hormonas
- Antiácidos
- Estrés
- Radiación y la quimioterapia
Dietas altas en azúcares y carbohidratos refinados

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010


Evidencia Genética de ADN Alienígeno: Video Agosto 2010

En este video se presentan los últimos resultados de los análisis genéticos del cráneo del Starchild. Comprueban que parte de su composición genética no es humana. Este video ya fue visto más de 120.000 veces en su versión original. Nuestros amigos de MultiversoAscendente ( hicieron la subtitulación precisa en castellano de los datos que darán la vuelta al mundo dentro de poco tiempo.

La Reconstrucción de su Cara

El programa MonsterQuest del History Channel contrató a un especialista en reconstruir organismos “extraños”. Bill Munn hizo un trabajo extraordinario al darle al Starchild una de sus caras posibles, y hasta ahora la más fiel al cráneo real de hueso.
Vea a continuación una serie de fotos tomadas durante su trabajo de reconstruir la cara del Starchild. Se va poniendo cada vez más interesante. Click en las series de fotos para ampliar.

Maxilar superior


Click en las fotos para ampliar


La Animación de la Reconstrucción

Paciencia, que el GIF animado necesita cargar. La animación consiste de 23 imágenes. Las primeras 2o pasan una por segundo. Las tres últimas de la cara completa la muestran de tres ángulos, con más tiempo. Repite automáticamente ad infinitum.

domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010


NASA Plans for Large Scale Failure, Power Grid is “Particularly Vulnerable to Bad Space Weather”

Solar FlareFor many it’s either tin foil conspiracy theory or an action packed Hollywood Armageddon flick. For the National Aeronautics and Space Administration it’s a serious threat, with the potential to wipe out the technologically driven lives we’ve become so used to.
Our sun is approaching a period of high turbulence, referred to as the solar maximum, with many scientists suggesting a peak in activity around 2013. The cycle occurs every 11 years, and the next time around it is predicted to be one of the weakest in decades. However, some contrary opinions hold that the next solar maximum may be stronger than we expect, citing a 26,000 yeargalactic alignment cycle, scheduled to occur on or around 2012, eerily coinciding with the end of the Mayan calendar.
One organization that isn’t taking any chances is NASA. As the sun begins to awaken, scientists are keeping a close eye on space weather:
“The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. At the same time, our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms. The intersection of these two issues is what we’re getting together to discuss.”
The National Academy of Sciences framed the problem two years ago in a landmark report entitled “Severe Space Weather Events—Societal and Economic Impacts.” It noted how people of the 21st-century rely on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life. Smart power grids, GPS navigation, air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications can all be knocked out by intense solar activity. A century-class solar storm, the Academy warned, could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina.
A 132-page NASA funded report titled Severe Space Weather Events—Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts, suggests that the right magnitude storm could be devastating:
The problem begins with the electric power grid. “Electric power is modern society’s cornerstone technology on which virtually all other infrastructures and services depend,” the report notes. Yet it is particularly vulnerable to bad space weather. Ground currents induced during geomagnetic storms can actually melt the copper windings of transformers at the heart of many power distribution systems. Sprawling power lines act like antennas, picking up the currents and spreading the problem over a wide area. The most famous geomagnetic power outage happened during a space storm in March 1989 when six million people in Quebec lost power for 9 hours.
According to the report, power grids may be more vulnerable than ever. The problem is interconnectedness. In recent years, utilities have joined grids together to allow long-distance transmission of low-cost power to areas of sudden demand. On a hot summer day in California, for instance, people in Los Angeles might be running their air conditioners on power routed from Oregon. It makes economic sense—but not necessarily geomagnetic sense. Interconnectedness makes the system susceptible to wide-ranging “cascade failures.”
To estimate the scale of such a failure, report co-author John Kappenmann of the Metatech Corporation looked at the great geomagnetic storm of May 1921, which produced ground currents as much as ten times stronger than the 1989 Quebec storm, and modeled its effect on the modern power grid. He found more than 350 transformers at risk of permanent damage and 130 million people without power. The loss of electricity would ripple across the social infrastructure with “water distribution affected within several hours; perishable foods and medications lost in 12-24 hours; loss of heating/air conditioning, sewage disposal, phone service, fuel re-supply and so on.”
“The concept of interdependency,” the report notes, “is evident in the unavailability of water due to long-term outage of electric power–and the inability to restart an electric generator without water on site.”
see caption
What if the May 1921 superstorm occurred today? A US map of vulnerable transformers with areas of probable system collapse encircled. A state-by-state map of transformer vulnerability is also available: click here.
The potential for major disruptions to our lives and our modern day just-in-time delivery systems could lead to total chaos in affected areas:
“A contemporary repetition of the Carrington Event would cause … extensive social and economic disruptions,” the report warns. Power outages would be accompanied by radio blackouts and satellite malfunctions; telecommunications, GPS navigation, banking and finance, and transportation would all be affected. Some problems would correct themselves with the fading of the storm: radio and GPS transmissions could come back online fairly quickly. Other problems would be lasting: a burnt-out multi-ton transformer, for instance, can take weeks or months to repair. The total economic impact in the first year alone could reach $2 trillion, some 20 times greater than the costs of a Hurricane Katrina or, to use a timelier example, a few TARPs.
Had the report(s) come from a random SHTF Planning and Preparedness site, we could understand skepticism from the general public. But, since the warnings are coming from NASA, we suggest that citizens interested in preserving their well being, safety and security take note.
While the Quebec incident was a short-term, nine hour down-grid scenario, the US power grid is very much susceptible to a cascading, domino effect across our electrical infrastructures. As suggested by NASA, this would not be limited to your inability to watch television or turn on the lights, but could be much more widespread, affecting critical utility and transportation systems that deliver our food and fuel.
It is quite reasonable to suggest that any significant adverse solar weather event could lead to mass chaos across the entire country as people scramble to acquire necessities like food, water, medicine and secure shelter.
And if the response from our federal, state and local government officials is anything like Hurricane Katrina or the BP oil spill, an event of such magnitude may take weeks, perhaps months to mitigate.

Supermassive Black Hole in the Milky Way Galaxy


Top physicist: Solar storm could set us back "100 years"

Well known physicist Michio Kaku joins the Fox Business News Channel to discuss the probability of a serious solar flare event and what effects it may have on society.

Every 11 years the [sun's] north pole and south pole flip, releasing a burst of radiation. But, every 100 years or so, a monster Tsunami from the sun emerges which could literally cause trillions in property damage...

It could paralyze the economy of...

Well known physicist Michio Kaku joins the Fox Business News Channel to discuss the probability of a serious solar flare event and what effects it may have on society.
(Video follows excerpts and commentary)
Every 11 years the [sun's] north pole and the south pole flip, releasing a burst of radiation. But, every 100 years or so, a monster Tsunami from the sun emerges which could literally cause trillions in property damage.
It could paralyze the economy of the planet earth. In 1859 we had a gigantic solar storm which knocked out telegraph wires back then, 150 years ago. If that had happened today it would knock out almost all our satellites, knock out power stations, there would be food riots around the country because refrigeration would stop, airplanes would probably crash without radar.
And again, this is a once in a century, once in two centuries storm…
We do have them and we have to worry about them.
We’d be thrown back 100 years.
Among the many naturally occurring SHTF / TEOTWAWKI events that could happen, we may not rate a solar Tsunami EMP event as a global killer like say, an asteroid the size of Texas, but it would definitely rate a 9 out of 10 on our SHTF severity scale.
As individuals, families and communities we may not be able to survive an asteroid impact, super volcano, or pole shift induced geographic earthquake, but a solar flare is something we can actually prepare for.
Our biggest concern with food will not necessarily be because of a lack of refrigeration, but an inability of our current just-in-time delivery systems to transport goods. A strong enough flare could potentially knock out the electrical components in the trucks that transport our food, the computers used to manage the inventory, and the ability for businesses to transfers payments to and from each other.
If the electrical grid in the United States were to be taken out by a solar flare we can expect months, not days, of downtime. In 1859 the fall out was limited to telegraph systems, because those were really the only electrical components of any significance.
Today, our entire world is intertwined by electricity, satellites, routers, switches and computers. Even a minor disruption to some of the components, like our GPS networks, could wreck havoc.
We’re not sure what the odds are of a solar flare taking out society as we know it, but we trust the views of some of the world’s leading scientists like Dr. Kaku and researches at NASA. Some of the brightest minds in the world have indicated that this is a real and present danger, so we’re going to store some reserve rations (and other preps) just in case.
Dr. Michio Kaku Discusses the Probability and Effects of Solar Flares:

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010


HD 10180: El Sistema Planetario más rico descubierto

¿Existen otros sistemas planetarios ricos?
Nuestro Sistema Solar tiene más planetas que ninguna otra estrella conocida, casi probablemente porque es difícil detectar planetas alrededor de otras estrellas.
Mediciones sensibles han destapado ahora un ligero pero complejo sistemas como el de nuestro Sol en la estrella HD 10180 que indica que tiene al menos cinco planetas y posiblemente más, convirtiéndolo en el más rico sistema planetario extra solar conocido hasta ahora.
Los planetas de HD 10180 fueron descubiertos durante años de datos usando el sensible espectógrafo HARPS adjuntado al telescopio e 3.6 metros ESO en La Silla , Chile .
El sistema planaterio parece bastante diferente que nuestro Sistema Solar , ya que todos los planetas descubiertos de HD 10180 tienen masas como las de Neptuno pero órbitas más interiores que la distancia de Marte .
Una interpretación artística sobrevolando este sistema es lo que puede verse en el video de arriba.
En el futuro, más datos recogidos durante periodos más largos podrían mejorar la técnica de detección en estrellas para poder desvelar más planetas como la Tierra y más distantes.

HAY 5 PLANETAS IGUALES A LA TIERRA = HAY ENTONCES GENTE COMO NOSOTROS EN ELLOS?= VIDEOS EN INGLES Y ESPAÑOL. Diversas filtraciones de la NASA sugieren que al menos hay 5 planetas confirmados como la tierra entre los cientos de candidatos detectados que también podrían ser como la Tierra pero que aún están pendientes de confirmar procedentes de los datos de la misión Kepler.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010


Castro Studies Bilderberg Book
First hour guest, journalist Daniel Estulin reacted to a story that Fidel Castro is fascinated by his book, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group. "Obviously, Fidel Castro is using the information in my book to his own personal advantage," he said, explaining that his expose of the Bilderbergers paints the West in a negative light, with its depiction of corporations and the financial elite controlling the populace. Castro has requested to meet personally with Estulin, and he is planning to take him up on his offer.
Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin, who's been researching the Bilderberg Group for more than 14 years, reveales the secret agenda of this years Bilderbergs meeting which is going to be held in few days from June 4th to 6th near Barcelona in Northern Spain , he also discussed the far-reaching influence the group wields in domestic and world affairs. Describing them as an "aristocracy of purpose," the 130 or so individuals gather for a private meeting held once a year and hail mostly from the United States and Europe
Daniel Estulin is one of the brightest stars on the world stage of fearless, no-holds-barred, audacious investigative journalism. He is the only man in the world to have infiltrated super secret Bilderberg annual meeting and accurately predicted future events based on what he heard. On June 1, 2010, Estulin will make history, being the first investigative journalist in the world to give an address on the Bilderberg Group in the European Parliament in Brussels on special request from Europe´s most-voted politician – Mario Borghezio.
The Bilderbergers decide jointly on the best way to deal with the resources of the planet, and exert control over energy and money supplies, reported Estulin. The structure of the group is not pyramidal with one person at the top-- it is "oval" with three groups of 13 people deciding the particular issues and participants in a given year, he added.

Ultimately, the Bilderbergers seek to destroy the US and world economies, so they can consolidate power, said Estulin, who advised people to take their investments out of banks and corporations and put their money in one's local economies. Based on his study of the group, he has concluded that a war with Iran is "off the table," oil will rise to $120 - $130 a barrel and Putin will not be "dislodged" from Russia.
Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin reported on the clandestine activities of the Bilderberg Group, who will soon be holding a meeting in Spain. On June 1, 2010, he'll make history, being the first journalist to give an address on the Bilderberg Group in the European Parliament in Brussels. "Bilderberg isn't a secret's a medium of bringing together the world's most powerful and most predatory financial interests. And at this time it is that combination that is the worst enemy of humanity," he stated. Among the members are CEOs of the leading corporations, bankers, and European royalty, he said, adding that it's not so much about a New World Order, but rather a "one-world company limited...the control of corporations at the expense of government."

"Bilderberg is positioning itself to destroy the United States dollar," Estulin revealed, citing a source who is a US Bilderberg delegate. He also talked about his new book, Shadow Masters, which draws connections between governments and secret service agencies (like the CIA) working together with drug dealers and terrorists for their mutual benefit.
Daniel Estulin is one of the brightest stars on the world stage of fearless, no-holds-barred, audacious investigative journalism. He is the only man in the world to have infiltrated super secret Bilderberg annual meeting and accurately predicted future events based on what he heard. On June 1, 2010, Estulin will make history, being the first investigative journalist in the world to give an address on the Bilderberg Group in the European Parliament in Brussels on special request from Europe´s most-voted politician – Mario Borghezio.
James Fox, investigative journalist reporting from Alabamas coast.
Independent film maker James Fox has traveled to Louisiana in an effort to determine and document the actual conditions in regard to the most heinous environmental disaster in human history and what he has encountered is profoundly disturbing. James Fox was born in England and raised in America by his father, Charles Fox, who wrote for newspapers and magazines like Rolling Stone, Playboy, Harpers and the Catholic Digest. When James was three years old, his father was struck with Multiple Sclerosis. For many years, James assisted his father as he traveled to locations for news stories. They conducted interviews with people ranging from theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking for Esquire to racecar driver Dan Gurney for Car & Driver.
After completing two years of education in Paris at the Sorbonne, James moved to San Francisco. He attended San Francisco State University where he finished his degree in French.
James was very skeptical when a close friend first introduced him to the field of UFOs in 1993. However, when a reliable acquaintance corroborated the first story, James began to investigate. In 1998, he completed and sold his first major documentary UFOs: 50 Years of Denial? to the Discovery Channel. It included such notables as Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Col. Philip J. Corso, who was in charge of the foreign technology desk at the Pentagon during the Eisenhower administration.
The success of UFOs: 50 Years of Denial? has led James to travel around the world for four years in pursuit of further evidence. For his new film, Out of the Blue, James interviewed witnesses including President Gerald Ford, Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Cosmonaut Pavel Papovich in Star City, Russia, and five-star Admiral Lord Hill Norton in England.
His passions are photography, bicycling, motorcycles, traveling and seeking truth.