viernes, 10 de julio de 2009


''Doomsday'' Seed Vault Opens Near North Pole
February 26, 2008A half moon shines over the entrance to the new Svalbard Global Seed Vault in a recent photo.
The "doomsday" vault is designed to keep millions of seed samples safe from natural and unnatural disasters: global warming, asteroid strikes, plant diseases, nuclear warfare, and even earthquakesin fact, the structure absorbed a magnitude 6.2 quake here last week without a crack...

Velikovsky's ideas
(...)Velikovsky searched for common mention of events within literary records, and in the Ipuwer papyrus he believed he had found a contemporary Egyptian account of the Israelite Exodus. Moreover, he interpreted both accounts as descriptions of a great natural catastrophe(...)
(...)He arrived at a body of radical inter-disciplinary ideas, which might be summarized as:
Planet Earth has suffered natural catastrophes on a global scale, both before and during mankind's recorded history.
There is evidence for these catastrophes in the geological record(...)The cause of these natural catastrophes were close encounters between the Earth and other bodies within the solar system — not least what were now the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mars, these bodies having moved upon different orbits within human memory(...)

Welcome to Denver Internatinal Airport!
The airport was built in 1995 on 34,000 acres (53 square miles; 137.593 in spite of the fact that Denver already had what everyone said was a perfectly fine airport - Stapleton - which was ordered closed when DIA was built so there "wouldn't be any competition". In fact the new airport has less gates and less runways than Stapleton did (I hope you're saying, "That makes no sense"...). All it does have is a lot more acreage. More acreage than an airport that size could possibly need. Most which sits unused. They say it's in case they need to do any future expansion. DIA is the 7th busiest airport in the US according to a 2002 Crain's Chicago Business report(...)

La Carta de la Tierra y la Nueva Era
“El mundo está experimentando profundos cambios ambientales, sociales, económicos y enfrenta un futuro incierto(...)La Carta de la Tierra NO ES DE NINGUN MODO UNA INICIATIVA DE LA SOCIEDAD CIVIL(...)desde organizaciones e intereses de una elite como lo demuestra el hecho de que el Co-presidente del Consejo de la CTI, quien firma este documento no es otro que Steven C. Rockefeller, otro viejo conocido nuestro(...)Esa elite y quienes aspiran al gobierno mundial son los impulsores...(...) ES CASUALIDAD QUE ESTE DESMEMBRANDOSE LA IGLESIA CATOLICA?
(...)Schooyans cree que «para consolidar dicha visión holística del globalismo deben ser allanados algunos obstáculos por parte de la ONU. Las religiones en general, y en primer lugar la religión católica, según Schooyans, figuran entre los obstáculos que se deben neutralizar. Fue con ese objetivo que se organizó, dentro del marco de las celebraciones del milenio en septiembre del 2000, la Cumbre de líderes espirituales y religiosos, a la que el Vaticano no dejó de asistir.(...)
Russia Orders Flight Changes After “Magnetic Storm” Downs 2 Airliners, Leaves Nearly 400 Dead

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)
Por: Sorcha Faal y como lo informa a sus suscriptores Occidentales

(...)Y en cuanto a la “amnesia cultural” sobre la que Velikovsky advirtió al Occidental promedio, no puede decirse lo mismo de sus líderes, quienes por sus acciones al saquearle a sus poblaciones más de $ 60 Trillones nada más en los ocho meses que acaban de pasar, en un deliberado “atontamiento” de sus sociedades donde hasta el hecho más simplista les es desconocido, por la creación de poblaciones de estado policía Orwelliano donde a todos se les utiliza para informar de los demás de modo que todos vivan en constante temor, por su deliberado terrorismo de sus propios ciudadanos para, de nuevo, mantener a estos simplones viviendo en un constante miedo a la muerte al crear una “Cámara del Juicio Final” cerca del Polo Norte para que estas élites puedan reconstruir y poblar una devastada Tierra, hasta la construcción del aeropuerto más misterioso y extraño del mundo en Denver, Colorado, capaz de transportar con un aviso de 48 horas a estas élites Occidentales a sus enormes ciudades bajo tierra esparcidas por todo el Occidente de los Estados Unidos a un ritmo de más de 25,000 por hora, lo que todos estos y muchos más Occidentales siguen ignorando.

Todavía peor, cuando aquellos, como nosotros, tratamos de advertirles de lo que va a suceder, y como lo hemos hechos por años, nosotros, no sus amos esclavistas de la élite, son ridiculizados como mentirosos(...)
Mientras tanto que nos advierte desde hace más de 10 años Gerald Celente?
June Sales Slump Brace for More Retail Bankruptcies

MONDAY, JULY 6, 2009
foreclosure fraud
In my backyard garden talking about the courts threatening to allo...
California to start issuing IOUs
California misses budget deadline
The US state of California is on the brink of issuing IOUs instead of making direct payments, after lawmakers failed to agree on ways to balance the budget.">
Empire America is on the verge of collapse : Gerald Celente
Empire America is on the verge of collapse. Its social, economic and political systems are failed and failing, observes Trends Research Institute Director, Gerald Celente, in the Summer Trends Journal(...)

The bailout bubble the mother of all bubbles is about to burst warns Gerald Celente

(...)These are the folks Sitchin insists not only created the Sumerian culture, but who also genetically created human beings as we know them. And yes, they live on this mysterious 12th planet, Nibiru...
(...)To date, Sitchin has deciphered more then 2,000 clay cylinders from that ancient land on the Persian Gulf that existed some 6,000 years ago. Some of these fragments, which date to 4,000 B.C., are in museums around the world. One fragment in particular, presently in Germany, indicates that Earth is the seventh planet, counting in from Pluto. The time frame here is four millennia before modern astronomy confirmed the existence of Pluto as an actual planet in our solar system(...)
(...)boy concerning the meaning of "Nefilim", an enigmatic group mentioned in the Old Testament. Translated, "Nefilim" means "those who came down." "Came down from where" is the starting point that makes the Earth Chronicles better reading than any Sherlock Holmes mystery. In order to unlock the mystery, Sitchin takes on a journey all around the world to ancient cities and former civilizations(...) In the Southern skies. The fact becomes incontrovertible once you study Sitchin. He points out that NASA has located a massive black object in the Southern skies, and the recent reactivation of the telescopes in Argentina and Chile seems to indicate a renewed interest in that portion of the heavens. Assimilating all the findings is really beyond the ability of any single person; however, a dedicated team could assemble all the relevant information. Though the information would necessarily be classified top secret, Sitchin has in fact laid out all the secrets in the Earth Chronicles(...)

Educado en Palestina y licenciado en Historia Económica por la London School of Economics and Political Science, conoce en profundidad el hebreo clásico y el moderno, y lee el sumerio así como otros idiomas antiguos de oriente. Ha traducido y reinterpretado antiguas tablillas e inscripciones de los pueblos donde surgieron las primeras civilizaciones. Actualmente vive en Nueva York, donde participa en programas de televisión y obtiene cierto éxito con la venta de sus libros(...)

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